Thermolysis Electrolysis hair removal is the only medically and scientifically proven means of permanent hair removal. Electrolysis is the only FDA approved method of Permanent Hair Removal. It was first developed in 1875 by an ophthalmologist, who used it to remove ingrowing eyelashes. It has since been used successfully for permanent hair removal on different areas. We use both Thermolysis and Galvanic Blend Method.
Enjoy Pain free Electrolysis at Elmes Skincare Clinic – We use the Apilus Platinum Pure Electrolysis Machine – the most advanced machine available, offering a more comfortable and virtually pain-free treatment
All hair types and colours are successfully treated, including hormonal hair, blond hair, grey hair and red hair.
- Small areas on the face and body
- Electrolysis is the best hair removal method for facial hair, chest hair, Breast (around the nipples), fingers and toes
- Widows Peak
- Safe hair removal from Tattoo’s
- Eyebrows
- Beards – Permanently sculpted. Electrolysis reduces the amount of care needed to maintain a beard and minimize skin irritations caused by shaving.
- Full Beard removal
- Hair on the back of the neck
- Electrolysis can remove the unwanted hair on your shoulders, back and chest.
- Widows Peak
- Safe hair removal from Tattoo’s
YES, electrolysis has been around for over 100 years without any adverse effects. There is no risk of scarring. A pre-sterilised disposable needle is used for every treatment.
It does require a certain level of commitment from the client as it can take from 6 months to 2 years to complete a treatment, depending on the area and the lifestyle requirements, with time and cost also sometimes being the restrictions.
On the face the skin can vary from pink to red depending on the skins sensitivity in most cases the skin returns to normal within 15-30 minutes. If the face has been tweezed or waxed excessively your skin may react more. However remember to a good electrologist your skin is as important as removing the hair.
Are you tweezing everyday or waxing every week? You probably think your hair grows very fast however ALL hair takes 6-12 weeks to regrow. So the hair you removed today is not what you removed yesterday or last week or even 2 weeks ago, it is from at least 6 weeks ago. If you wax every 4-6 weeks you are only seeing about half of your full hair growth. You would need to leave the hair for 3 months to see the full hair growth cycle. We needed to treat 2-4 cycles of hair grow for permanent removal (6-12 months).
Generally, if we are able to clear an area of hair in the a few sessions then the first 3 months that will be most intense with weekly or fortnightly treatments there after treatment reduces to every 3 then 4 weeks etc until removed permanently. If it is a very large area such as full face or back regular treatment of 1 – 2 hour sessions will be needed for at least 12 months, not always easy but always permanent. We will schedule the treatment to suit lifestyle.
It is very important not to wax or tweeze the hair as this encourages the hair to become stronger. However you can cut, bleach or shave.
15 Mins €32.00 | 20 Mins €38 | 30 Mins €45.00 | 45 Mins €60 | 1hr €75 | 90 Mins €110
Pre-paid Course of 6 available with discount
We recommend booking in for a Complimentary consultation prior to first treatment, we offer this in-clinic or Zoom
Book your COMPLIMENTARY 10 Minute Consultation today! – In-Clinic or Zoom