Experience Pain free Electrolysis at Elmes Skincare Clinic – We use the Apilus Platinum Pure Electrolysis Machine – the most advanced machine available, offering a more comfortable and virtually pain-free treatment
Safe removal of hair from moles using Thermolysis or Blend Method.
A course of hair removal is preferable prior to considering mole reduction treatment. Permanent removal of hairs may, in fact, reduce the appearance of the mole naturally and may negate a mole reduction treatment.
When the hair and root have been permanently removed the area taken up by their volume will naturally shrink – therefore mole reduces in size
Healthy Moles
- Asymmetry: shape is symmetrical round or oval
- Border: sharp and well defined
- Colour: usually one shade of tan, brown or skin colour
- Diameter: usually less than 1/4th inch
- Evolving: Never changed shape or colour – remained stable
- Onset: Usually during early childhood through to mid-twenties
- Uniformity: most normal moles on the body look very similar
This treatment requires a GP consent letter before commencing treatment.
15 Mins €32.00 | 20 Mins €38 | 30 Mins €45.00 | 45 Mins €60 | 1hr €75
Book your recommended complimentary Consultation today – In-Clinic or Zoom Call