085 151 6201

Solar Lentigines Removal

Liver Spots/Sun Spots/Age Spots/Pigmentation Marks

What are Solar Lentigines Spots and what causes them?

Solar Lentigines also known as Age Spots, Sun Spots, Liver Spots, Pigmentation Marks, are caused by the reaction of the pigment (colour) cells in the skin to a lifetime of exposure to sunlight. As we age, these cells tent to group together causing age or sun spots.

How can they be removed?

With Advanced Electrolysis, we gently scrape them off, revealing the clear, non-pigmented skin below

How many sessions?


*We recommend all advanced treatments be carried out at least 2 weeks before a holiday, special event or wedding

All Elmes Skincare Clinic treatments are for both women and men and are carried out by experienced, skilled experts with the highest hygiene standards.

15 mins €55 | 30 mins €90 | 1 hour €150

Book your recommended complimentary Consultation today – In-Clinic or Zoom Call

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