085 151 6201

Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra Removal

Safe Treatment with Advanced Electrolysis

Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra/DPN removal with Advanced Electrolysis 

Dermatosa Papulosa Nigra DPN are small brown or black raised areas of skin that affect one third of people with black skin.  In many cases, Dermatosa Papulosa Nigra is a genetic condition that appears on the face, upper cheeks and temples, eyes and chest and increases with age. While Dermatosa Papulosa Nigra does not pose a threat to your health, it can have an impact on your self confidence and mental well being.

Advanced Cosmetic Procedures (ACP) treatment using Advanced Electrolysis, also know as Thermocoagulation, is a non-surgical treatment that is becoming increasingly popular as Advanced Electrolysis is the least invasive, minimal and effective method of treatment for such a wide variety of blemishes.

Advanced Electrolysis is a safe choice.  Your Advanced Electrolysis Specialist can remove any unsightly skin blemishes that may affected your confidence and wellbeing. Results are often instantaneous, pleasing and life enhancing.

As far back as the early 1900’s electrolysis was being used for the treatment of milia and other skin blemishes.

Today it has progressed a long way and with ongoing improvements and modern technology it is a safe, comfortable and effective treatment still very much in demand today.

How does it work?

A tiny, pre-sterilised probe is used to gentle remove the lesion.  It is quick and not painful. 

How many sessions?

Usually one, but for more stubborn conditions and if you have many, two – three sessions six weeks apart may be required

All Elmes Skincare Clinic treatments are for both women and men and are carried out by experienced, skilled experts with the highest hygiene standards.

*We recommend booking in for a Complimentary consultation prior to first treatment, we offer this in-clinic or Zoom

Treatment 15 mins €60 | Treatment 30 mins €90 | Treatment 1 hr €150 | Zoom Consultation – Complimentary 

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